Sapience is


Industrial Nock

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Civilization-grade computational infrastructure for Cyber Physical Production Systems

Industry 4.0 has been touted as revolutionary technology, promising to change the world, but so far? We are not impressed. Thanks to recent advances in the fields of blockchains, zero-knowledge research and Nock computing, we're building an IT/OT stack specifically engineered to maximize security of critical infrastructures and enshrine human ingenuity at scale. Leveraging the beautiful simplicity of Nock, we built the first IEC 61499 Runtime that can be efficiently used with Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Sapience is a NockApp for Cyber Physical Production Systems that sits atop Zorp's novel ZKVM. The IEC 61499 standard now matures from an exciting experiment to civilization-grade infrastructure. We are building the rails for a parralel world industry defined by provable security, understandable operational technologies, and computational freedom.

“Managerial activity tends to become inbred and self-justifying. The enterprise comes to be thought of as existing for the sake of its managers – not the managers for the enterprise. A high percentage of the time of the managers and their staff is spent on “housekeeping” and other internal problems. Self-justifying managerial control tends to keep alive operations which have little social purpose other than to nourish an enclave of managers. This is conspicuously true of governments. Many acute, expensive problems which our society faces – for example, in agriculture, radio-TV, railroads, finance, etc. - are largely manufactured by the managerial agencies founded to solve them.”

― James Burnham


Engineers need to take responsibility for the safety and integrity of the systems they put together. For so long as the world is built on a foundation of sand, with a multitude of components each too large to be fit into a single person's head and vetted in their entirety, our computational systems will be fragile. The enemy of security is complexity that's why we design our systems off the principle of radical simplicity (Nock). Complexity creates confusion and traps you in a technical Ponzi scheme, simplicity creates freedom.


We leverage Bitcoin's design as a foundation and extend it practically through Nockchain using Zero Knowledge Proofs. Within a Sapience Cyber Physical Production System, public key encryption ensures identity, hashes guarantee data integrity, ZKP proves computational coherence, the blockchain establishes time incorruptibility, proof of work provides cognitive security and the Nock token economic security.


Technologies of integrity require beauty and simplicity–convoluted systems discourage personal involvement. When individuals don’t take responsibility, corporations, bureaucracies, and crime syndicates take over. Human freedom in the digital era requires systems simple enough to be audited by individuals. Civilization-grade infrastructure cannot cheat without disastrous results. The ultimate substrate of any Cyber Physical Production System will be elegant, or fail. That's why we Nock.

The world is not yet finished, but everyone is behaving as if everything was known. This is not true. In fact, the computer world as we know it is based upon one tradition that has been waddling along for the last fifty years, growing in size and ungainliness, and is essentially defining the way we do everything. My view is that today’s computer world is based on techie misunderstandings of human thought and human life. And the imposition of inappropriate structures throughout the computer is the imposition of inappropriate structures on the things we want to do in the human world.

― Ted Nelson

Cover Image for Introducing Sapience

Introducing Sapience

Sapience is a post-2020 industrial automation company pioneering the first zk-verifiable IEC61499 compatible cyber physical production systems - a radically simplified approach to the development, deployment and maintenance of critical infrastuctures.

Cover Image for A ZK-powered Industry

A ZK-powered Industry

Machines that you can trust.

Cover Image for The Zero-Knowledge Society

The Zero-Knowledge Society

After control society, the zero-knowledge society.

Cover Image for What is Nock?

What is Nock?

Nock is a minimal Reduced Instruction Set Computer designed to be simple, powerful, and portable. Turns out it is also extremely efficient for use in Zero Knowledge Proofs and pretty much anything.